Russell Cattle Management

Ranch History and General Information

GR Cattle, Inc. is a family owned and operated cow calf operation developed by Gillie C. Russell in the late 1980’s. The ranch is still managed by Gillie and his son Andy and is devoted to producing high quality genetic calves and continuing the improvement of the herd genetics by careful evaluation of every bull and replacement heifer purchased. The ranch operates primarily on leased land within 6 counties in south Florida, covering close to 20,000 acres. The leases are comprised of diverse Florida land ranging from Pine flats to Cypress stands and every ecosystem in-between. GR Cattle takes pride in our product and strives to create a calf that will grow and gain in any environment.
All cattle have access to free choice mineral year round and all cattle hands have been certified through the Beef Quality Assurance Program to assure the safest handling and reduce as much stress as possible in order to provide the highest quality end product.

GR cattle are worked twice annually. Vaccines include Ultrabac 8, Trick/Vibrio/Lepto, and Triangle 5. Cattle are also given a dewormer and a form of fly control. Calves are also worked twice prior to shipping. Vaccines for the calves include Bovishield Gold 5 Modified Live and One Shot Ultra 8. Calves also receive dewormer and a Synovex C implant. All calves are age and source verified with IMI Global.


109 Arron Drive
Lake Placid, FL, 33852

Breeds Utilized

The herd base are Brangus cross cows with ¼ to ½ blood that are then bred back to quality Angus sires focusing on the best combination of yearling weights, weaning weights, marbling, and rib eye score. We purchase bred replacement heifers from trusted producers incorporating superior genetics to improve the genetic base of the herd far quicker than relying on our bull battery alone.

Shipping Dates

GR Cattle begins shipment of calves during the first week in August and run through the first week of September. Calves are weaned off the cow, weighed, and directly loaded to the truck. Weights will be approximately 550-600lbs for the steers and 500-550lbs for the heifers.